2023 Bond: Creswell votes YES on Measure 20-342!
With overwhelming support with over 70% of the Creswell community voting “Yes” in favor of the bond, the results demonstrate that the Creswell community puts our kids needs first and the have a lot of love and pride in our schools.
The bond is a significant investment in the future of Creswell students and the excitement felt about the impact that this will have on their education is palpable.
Planning for bond projects has already begun and work is in progress this summer (Summer 2023). A Bond Oversight Committee has been selected to carefully monitor the delivery of the proposed bond program to ensure accountability, fiscal transparency, and community trust. The committee is comprised of 9 community members and two Creswell High School students. To learn more about this committee and review meeting agendas go here: CSD Bond Oversight Committee.
2023 CSD Bond Projects
Stay up-to-date on all CSD Bond Projects at our three campuses by checking out our 2023 CSD Bond Projects page!
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About the Bond
Creswell School District’s proposed $18,210,000 bond would provide funds to repair and update schools, improve safety, and increase access to vocational skills training while estimated to maintain the current bond levy rate.
Creslane Elementary School was built in 1949 when Harry S. Truman was president. Creswell High School was built in 1967. Creswell Middle School was built in 2009. While our district works hard to provide an excellent education for every student, safety and security concerns have changed, and both the elementary school and high school have significant deferred maintenance.
In 2018, the District conducted a facilities assessment with PAE Engineers and GLAS Architects, LLC, identifying a long list of needs, including roof and exterior repairs, upgrades to the HVAC and electrical systems, and asbestos and mold mitigation.
In 2022, staff and community members participated in a comprehensive needs assessment and strategic planning process to develop a vision and plan to guide the District over the next 3-5 years. As part of that process, a 50-member citizen committee identified state-of-the-art facilities as a priority, both for student learning and for use as reunification sites in the event of local disasters. The committee also prioritized a need for more vocational training opportunities for students.
Because the scope of the projects identified by the facilities assessment is greater than the District can handle through its annual budget, the School Board voted unanimously to refer this bond measure to voters as a way to fund the proposed projects.
View the Proposed Bond Informational Flyer
Proposed Bond Projects
- Repair and update schools, including roofs, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC systems, kitchen, flooring, exterior walls, mold and asbestos abatement, parking lots, improvements to physical education/sports facilities
- Improve the learning environment by modernizing classrooms where needed, adding air conditioning and renovating unfinished classroom space
- Increase safety and security by adding secured entry points, revamping security cameras, parking lot entry and exit ways to improve traffic flow, installing an emergency generator, establishing emergency reunification center at the high school
- Increase access to vocational training, including adding Career and Technical Education classrooms
- Establish a School Based Health Center in remodeled District office space and relocate District office
Bond funds could only be used for costs associated with the projects listed in the bond proposal, not operating costs.
Costs and Oversight Information
What would the proposed bond cost?
The bond is estimated to continue the District’s current bond tax rate of $1.94 per $1,000 of assessed property value, due to an existing bond retiring in 2027. That amounts to an estimated $388 per year, or $32.33 per month, for a home assessed at $200,000. The bonds would be repaid over 21 years.
State matching funds
If the bond passes, the District would receive a $4 million grant from the Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching (OSCIM) program to use for bond projects. If the bond measure doesn’t pass, the District would not receive the matching grant funds.
Local jobs
The District would structure portions of the bond projects into smaller contracts that local contractors could bid on.
Accountability and informing the public
The School Board would appoint a citizen oversight committee to monitor the progress, schedule and costs of the bond. That committee would report back to the School Board on a regular basis.
What is a school bond measure?
A bond measure is like a home mortgage, with principal and interest to be paid over a set period of time. The State of Oregon does not provide funding to school districts for school construction, building improvements and preservation of facilities. School districts in Oregon use bonds to finance these capital expenses and large maintenance projects.
The current bond doesn’t expire until 2027. If the proposed new bond passes, that leaves a four year gap. Will people be double taxed in between? If not, why are the people of Creswell being asked to vote now?
Although the current bond doesn’t expire until 2027, the structure of the new bond is designed such that the levy rate is not expected to increase. There are two reasons for this: First, the existing annual principal and interest payment will decline somewhat in 2024-25, allowing the District to layer the new debt service without increasing the levy rate. Second, the new bond would be structured to delay any significant payment on the new bonds until after the existing debt is paid off in 2027.
The School Board decided to seek a bond measure now because of the age and continued deterioration of our school buildings. Creslane Elementary was built in 1949, and Creswell High School was built in 1967, and neither have had any significant updates. A facilities assessment conducted by PAE Engineers and GLAS Architects in 2017 identified more than four dozen areas where our school facilities did not meet safety and security standards, current building codes, ADA requirements, or had simply deteriorated over several decades due to reduced school funding and deferred maintenance.
In 2022, over 50 students, staff, parents, business owners and other community members took part in a strategic planning process where they listed facilities as one of the district’s priorities.
Does the state provide funding for school construction bonds?
No. In Oregon, the Legislature allocates funds each year to operate schools. However, it does not provide funding for construction of new schools or major renovations. School districts are expected to finance those projects with general obligation bonds authorized by the district’s voters.
Oregon is one of the few states in the nation that does not provide direct funding support from the state for building schools or major capital renovations. School districts are expected to finance these projects with general obligation bonds (construction bonds) authorized by the district’s local voters.
How much would the proposed bond cost taxpayers?
The bond is estimated to continue the District’s current bond tax rate of $1.94 per $1,000 of assessed property value, due to an existing bond retiring. The bonds would be repaid over 21 years.
Could bond funds be spent on things not included among the projects listed on the ballot?
Bond funds could only be used for costs associated with the projects listed in the bond proposal, not operating costs.
Would the proposed projects be completed if the bond does not pass?
No. The district will continue to maintain school properties but the proposed projects would not occur.
How would the proposed bond impact the community?
Creswell school facilities are gathering spaces for many community activities, including school and community sporting events, concerts, plays and meetings. Creswell High School is designated as an emergency reunification site in in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency.

Creslane Elementary School

Creswell Middle School