Home » Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey

Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey

The Oregon Department of Education is deeply committed to helping each and every student learn, grow, and thrive. ODE is also committed to providing opportunities for feedback and input to continuously improve education experiences for all students in Oregon. The Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey will help ODE gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon, and better target those resources where they are most needed. SEED Survey data may also help districts develop a fuller picture of their local contexts and make strategic modifications to curriculum, instruction, and related academic supports that they offer students.


  • …provides opportunity to hear directly from students. The SEED Survey gives students the opportunity tovoice their experiences in Oregon’s education system.
  • …is designed to capture students’ sense of belonging and experiences at school. The survey asks studentsabout their access to learning resources, learning opportunities, self-efficacy beliefs, and sense of belonging.Grades 6-11 also include questions about career-technical education and extra-curricular engagement, whilegrades 9-11 include questions about post-graduation planning.
  • …is an equity tool that meets the moment. The results of the survey give schools powerful information tocreate more equitable learning experiences based on the perceptions and lived experiences of students in theirschools.
  • …is available to meet the needs of all students. Students have access to the same accessibility supports that are available to them on statewide assessments. An Alternate SEED Survey is also available, designed for students experiencing significant cognitive disabilities, and is completed alongside a teacher or educationalprofessional that knows the student well.
  • …takes 10-20 minutes to complete. The SEED survey is brief and contains multiple choice questions for grades 3-11 and additional open-ended questions for grades 6-11.

Annual Notice for Student Educational Equity Development Survey |

Aviso Anual para la Encuesta sobre Desarrollo de la Equidad Educativa de los Estudiantes


(541) 895-6005

Amy Aguero

Director of Student Services


Annual Notice and Participation for Oregon’s Student Educational Equity Development (SEED) Survey - English


Aviso anual y participación en la Encuesta sobre Desarrollo de la Equidad Educativa de los Estudiantes (SEED) de Oregón - Spanish

Survey Exemption

Oregon law (House Bill 2656) permits parents or guardians to decline, either verbally or in writing, to have their student participate in the SEED Survey. The school shall provide any student who is excused from participating in the SEED Survey with supervised study time (or another learning activity) while other students are completing the survey.

  • If you would like your student to participate in the SEED Survey, no further action is required.
  • If you do not want your student to participate in the SEED Survey, please complete one of the options below.
    • Decline in writing (Complete and return form linked below)
    • Decline verbally (Contact your student’s school by phone or visit in-person) Be prepared to provide the following information:
      • Student’s legal name (first and last)
      • Student’s enrolled grade
      • Your name (as the student’s parent/guardian)
      • Verbal confirmation that you would like to decline participation in the SEED Survey for your student