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Integrated Application Plan / Student Investment Account / ESSER III

Integrated Application PLAN


The Integrated Application is a response to hundreds of requests from educational and community leaders that ODE make a step toward aligning and integrating separately created federal and state educational investments focused on educational innovation and improvement. This guidance will be submitted to ODE in March 2023. The preparation of the Integrated Application included thoughtful alignment during the internal planning phase consisting of a multitude of engagement efforts among Creswell community stakeholders.
This IA plan integrates six aligned programs:
  • High School Success (HSS) 
  • Student Investment Account (SIA) within the Student Success Act 
  • Continuous Improvement Planning (CIP)2 
  • Career and Technical Education – Perkins V (CTE) 
  • Every Day Matters (EDM) 
  • Early Indicator Intervention Systems (EIIS) 

Bringing six programs together along with Creswell community input creates significant opportunities to improve outcomes and learning conditions for students and educators. ODE developed a framework for success that meets the core purposes of each state and federal program while trying to create a more robust framework from which we can mark progress, look for long-term impacts, and develop the learning approach to monitoring and evaluation that is a hallmark of high-performing educational systems.

Review the Aligned Initiatives – Application Questions and Answers | Review the IA Plan Budget Document

Student Investment Account

Student Success Act

In 2019, the Oregon Legislature passed the $2 billion Student Success Act (HB 3427). At the heart of the Student Success Act is a commitment to improving access and opportunities for students who have been historically underserved by the education system.

The law requires school districts to meaningfully engage their community to determine the best investments for students in their local community while explicitly focusing on student mental and behavior health, addressing disparities based on race or disability, and improving teaching and learning conditions.

SIA grant funds can be used in four broad areas including increasing instructional time; addressing student health and safety needs; decreasing class size; and expanding well-rounded learning opportunities. Programs must also meet students’ behavioral and mental health needs and increase academic achievement as well as reduce disparities among student groups.

h Creswell School District SIA 2022-2023 Annual Report – Spanish


ESSER III, the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief grant program authorized by the American Rescue Plan (ARP) in March 2021, is designed to help schools safely reopen and sustain operations while addressing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.