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School Counselors & Related Services
What is the role of a school counselor?
School counselors are highly educated, professionally certified individuals who help students succeed in school and plan their careers. An integral part of the total education system, school counselors help students form healthy goals, mindsets and behaviors. With the aid of a school counselor, students learn to develop effective collaboration and cooperation skills, to practice perseverance, to enhance their time management and study skills, and to establish self-motivation and self-direction habits.
What school counselors do:
- Assist individual students with academic planning and goal setting
- Provide school counseling classroom lessons based on student success standards
- Offer short-term counseling to students
- Refer students for long-term support
- Collaborate with families / teachers / administrators / community for student success
- Advocate for students at individual education plan and Section 504 meetings and other student-focused meetings
- Analyze data to identify student issues, needs, and challenges
- Act as a systems change agent to improve equity and access, achievement and opportunities for all students
Community Resources
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Creslane Elementary School
(541) 895-6140
Creswell Middle School

Creswell High School