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Creswell Bond CMS Projects

New Grandstands at CMS

The CMS football field gets a new addition in the assembly and installation of new metal grandstands. The kit was assembled by community volunteers to be ready in time for the first CHS Junior varsity football game on Monday, September 23. We are very grateful to our community volunteers who gave up their time to build something for students and families to use and enjoy from here forward.

Volunteers starting the assembly the first day

Progress after day 1

Creswell Bond - 10 Month Status Update

In the past 10 months, since our Bond was passed, Creswell School District has made significant strides in the planning, initiation, and completion of several projects. In this video, we will recap the projects that have been completed since May 2023, highlight strategic partners, and show how the district is working towards getting the most value out of every Bond dollar.

CMS Playfield Lights are Powering Up!

While the new LED lights have been installed at the CMS Track, there was something missing…Power! So, this week, CSD staff and Lightworks Electric Company have taken the next steps to establish the wiring, set up a master control box, and complete trench work to connect the lights and the power source. Once the lines are laid out and trenches complete, Pacific Power can then connect to the power source and our lights are CMS will be ready to roll!

Trench and Power Box

Power Box being built

Lines getting threaded to each light pole around CMS Playfield

The "Unfinished Room" is now FINISHED

Beginning in the summer of 2023, the once “unfinished room” on the second floor of Creswell Middle School began it’s renovation. A relatively “small”project in comparison to other time sensative projects, the #704 Classroom at CMS, was eeking along slowly over the past several months.

Just prior to the 2023 Winter Break, the room was mostly complete, minus the floors. Over the break, custodians and maintenance finished the floors and waxed them. In the attached image above you can see the completed space with shiny floors….finally ready for students to get the FULL benefit of this space in 2024!

Photos of CMS Room #704 in process

Let there be Light!

In 2009, during the building of CMS, CSD staff included a road map to eventually install lighting to the CMS turf field. Now, in 2023, we will get to see this come together with the installation of directional LED lights to the field this August 2023. In the included images you will see one of four power and placement locations for the incoming lights, and the designated circuit breaker that was set-up in 2009.

The lights boast directional coverage, which aids in reducing excess ambient light and are also energy efficient! The LED lights will be a welcome addition to the CMS facilities and will allow for more access during the sports season for school and community teams.

Stay tuned for more updates!


Summer 2023 Projects

After overwhelming support from the Creswell community in May 2023 with the passing of our bond, we have taken steps to start making headway in projects that will improve facilities to be felt as early as the Fall of 2023 for our students. Over the next several months we will be appointing an oversight committee and providing continuous updates to the many projects in the works on our three campuses.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Fall/Winter 2023
Fall/Winter 2023


Improve Student Learning Environment

  • Classroom (unfinished space) Renovation
    Winter 2023/2024
    Winter 2023/2024


    PE/Athletic Facilities Upgrades

    • Turf Field LED Lighting
      Summer 2024
      Summer 2024


      Facilities Upgrades

      • CMS Playfield Security Fencing
        Fall 2024
        Fall 2024


        Facilities Upgrades

        • CMS Playfield Bleachers
          Summer 2025
          Summer 2025

          IN PROGRESS

          Health and Safety

          • HVAC Renovations: System Improvements/Add Air Conditioning

          Creslane Elementary School

          996 West A Street
          Creswell, OR 97426

          Creswell Middle School

          655 W Oregon Ave
          Creswell, OR 97426

          Creswell High School

          33390 Niblock Lane
          Creswell, OR 97426