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Home » We need your help! Please keep students home when they are sick.

Dear CSD families,

With the omicron variant of COVID-19 surging across the country and positive case counts increasing daily in Lane County and Creswell, we are counting on everyone to do their part to help keep our students and staff in school and protect the wellbeing of all Creswell community members. It is critical during the next few weeks that you keep your children home when they are sick.

How can you help?

  • If your child is ill, do NOT send them to school. If they have COVID-19 symptoms, seek a COVID-19 test and notify your student’s school.

As a reminder, COVID-19 symptoms can include:

Cough or sore throat
Temperature of 100.4 F or higher
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
A new loss of taste or smell
Muscle or body aches
Nasal congestion or runny nose
Nausea or Vomiting

  • If you aren’t vaccinated, schedule an appointment. Vaccination remains the best protection against serious illness from COVID-19 and reduces spread of the disease. See the Get Vaccinated Oregon or Lane County Public Health websites for more information..
  • Get your booster if you haven’t yet done so. If you’re eligible for a booster, make your appointment today. Boosters provide an extra layer of protection needed to slow the spread of the omicron variant.
  • Limit gatherings with people from other households to the extent possible. If you are visiting people from another household, you should wear a mask, maintain physical distancing, and keep activities outdoors whenever possible.

Many thanks go out to our families for keeping their children home when they are sick and to our health services staff for their exceptional work. Together, we must do all we can to minimize disruptions to our classrooms, keep our students learning in-person, and slow the spread of COVID-19 in our schools and community.


Mike Johnson