Mike Johnson
email: mjohnson@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6000

Amy Aguero
Director of Student Services
email: aaguero@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6005

Breanna Manzone
Assistant Deputy Clerk / Payroll
email: bmanzone@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6002

Joel Higdon
Director of Technology Services & Facilities / District Safety Officer
email: jhigdon@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6008

Bethany Scovil
Communications & Community Engagement Coordinator
phone: (541) 895-6194

Marilyn Cruzan
Executive Assistant & Board Secretary
email: mcruzan@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6000

Chanel Green
Business Manager
email: cgreen@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6003

Vickie Brown
Accounts Payable Clerk / Food Services Assistant
email: vbrown@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6004

Sarah Hanson
Transportation Supervisor
email: shanson@creswell.k12.or.us
phone: (541) 895-6009