Updated Covid Mitigation Strategies

As Superintendent Johnson shared earlier this week, starting Monday, March 14th a few changes to the current mitigation strategies will go into effect for Creswell School District. Mitigating the spread of Covid-19 still remains a high priority and below is an outline...

2022-2023 Kindergarten Orientation

Creslane Community, Creslane is searching for the class of 2035! If your child will be 5 years old before September 1st it is time to register for the 2022-2023 school year. Please help spread the word about our upcoming orientation on April 7th at 5:45pm. We look...

Read Across America February 28-March 4

It’s time to celebrate literacy!  Click on this image to see our daily spirit day themes In addition to daily dress-up we will host a bookmark art contest, daily mystery readers, an all school drop everything and read, plus much more!

2022 Langage Arts Curriculum Adoption

Dear Creslane Families, This year, CSD will be adopting new language arts curriculum for K-12 students across the district, designed to meet Oregon’s state educational standards and align between grade levels. Curriculum includes the textbooks, materials, and digital...